by MelissaPerry | Jan 17, 2020 | 2020, Self, Work
Happy 4th Birthday THV! This month marks a very special anniversary. The birth of The Happy Venture! It’s the 4th birthday of the blog that gave me the courage to start speaking my truth. To dive deep into my heart, my past, and share all of it right here. I...
by MelissaPerry | Oct 1, 2019 | 2019, Happiness Tools, Home, Play, Relationships, Self
Does the change of season bring you happiness or stress? How do we stop focusing on to-do lists to creating happiness in the fall season? I have a few ideas. If you feel stressed by fall (or life) it’s time answer some questions. It’s easy, I promise....
by MelissaPerry | Sep 10, 2019 | 2019, 4 Corners of Happiness, Happiness Tools, Self
“Go With the Flow” What does that even mean? Before you go thinking this is hippy philosophy, please let me assure you that it’s much more practical than that. I aim to make it practical and usable in your daily life. How do we keep going when life throws a very real...
by MelissaPerry | Jul 7, 2019 | 2019, 4 Corners of Happiness, Happiness Tools, Self
Let me state up front that this is meant to be a piece of writing that inspires Happiness and Independence, which is the aim of this space, The Happy Venture. I am looking at Freedom from the human perspective, not just American. These are my reflections and feelings...
by MelissaPerry | Mar 18, 2019 | 2019, Happiness Tools, Relationships, Self
What’s Your Story? We cannot know when our story begins what the moral of it will be. Hero or Villain? Devil or Saint? Superstar or Average? Most of us will be somewhere in the middle, not sure how we got into the story or what we’re supposed to do other...
by MelissaPerry | Feb 3, 2019 | 2019, 4 Corners of Happiness, Home, Relationships, Self, Work
It is February 1st. It is the halfway point of Winter and a month after the New Year started. Many of us have forgotten, or never made New Years Resolutions. I for one don’t think I even made any this year. 2018 was a transition year for my family so I spent...