The Happy Venture

The Happy Venture is a website dedicated to exploring happiness, personal truth, and life purpose.
Since 2012 my mantra has been "1 Step, 1 Breath, and 1 Day at a Time".
It's reminds me to walk, breath, and live each day ON PURPOSE.
What started as a passion project sharing my journey, revealed my desire to become a Transformational Life Coach.
Since 1997 I have been exploring what my life could be,
away from what others told me I "should" do.
It's all led me here. I realized I wanted to help others on their journey, to be a guide.
Helping people find their PURPOSE in life is MY PASSION!
If you're ready to explore what YOUR LIFE COULD BE ON YOUR TERMS, FROM YOUR HEART than reach out. Let me give you a hand on your journey. You're not alone. I'd love to be your guide.
Melissa A. Perry
Transformational Coach
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